Reconciliation Solution

OmniRecon is a web-based solution that will facilitate Customer to have control over end-to-end reconciliation. Business friendly tool to empower Customer to have meaningful day to day reconciliation using custom built rules with easy to access web-based user-friendly interface. The Live business cases supported by OmniRecon for reconciliation are Nostro Reconciliation, Trade Confirmation Matching, Securities Holding Position Reconciliation, GL Reconciliation and many more. The solution has the capability of reading messages or data coming from SWIFT/RENTAS/and other Source Systems.

OmniRecon facilitates automation in reconciliation which can be performed in auto, manual and forced reconciliation mode with proper audit trail. This will facilitate optimization of process and elimination of human error. OmniRecon is equipped with ready interfaces for relevant SWIFT Messages and has the flexibility to ingest data from any file format. It's designed to support reconciliation rules for diverse scenarios including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many, ensuring versatile reconciliation capabilities.


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